C3 Living Design Project Creating ⋅ Curating ⋅ Connecting with Visionary Ideas, Methods and Patterns Inspired by A New Story of Life Essentials Technics Aspects Aspects of Living Design . Creativity . Innovation PracticeA Knowledge Hub and Idea Exchange of Curated Essentials for creating the Living Now.read more ❯ CreativityA Thought Foundry for Creative Methods and Measures Pivotal to animating The New Story of Life. read more ❯ VisionA Living Paradigm that Connects Practice, Creativity, and Hope for Transforming Design and Life.read more ❯ The C3 Living Design Project Essentials A New Story of Life A Deep Resilience + Regeneration Paradigm for Life The C3 Living Design Project Overview A Knowledge Hub, Living Foundry + Innovation Studio CurateCreateConnectCurating Information . Creating Pattern . Connecting Dots The Living Design ApproachActionable Methods + Technics for Transformative Innovation Story Overview flows Approach Technics for Living Design . Creativity . Innovation News . Weather + Living Design Comprehensive Guidance for Resilient Living Design The Living Ideas LibraryEssential, Pivotal, and Transformative Technics Tools for Living DesignActionable Tools for bringing Living Design into your Projects Living Foundry + Innovation StudioEmploying nature’s genius to forge design methodologies. News Library Tools Foundry RELi + Adapt Action ListsComprehensive Guidance for Resilient Living Design Learning + DevelopmentActionable Skills for Impactful Innovation and Transformation Si Systems Network Collaborative Innovation for Complex System challenges. Media Collection: #HashtagsCurated X (Twitter) Hashtags on Living Design trends. RELi Learn Si Network learn SystemsThinkingThe vital lens for transforming design and our complex future. Reductive ThinkingReducing complexity to its most basic, elemental aspects. Pattern ThinkingSimplifying complexity through archetypes and prototyping. Integrative Thinking Synthesizing disparate ideas for novel, holistic solutions systems reductive pattern integrative “We need a rapid and far reaching transformation of human society at a magnitude that has simply never happened before …”The United Nations IPCC as Interpreted by the Washington Post in 2018The New Story ❯ The Driving Forces of Living Design + Thinking ECOLOGYSustainable ⋅ Resilient ⋅ RegenerativeCommunityEmergence POIÈTICSRelationships ⋅ Flow ⋅ Form ⋅ FeelVision Ideation COMMUNITYInclusion · Diversity · Wellbeing EcologyRelationships HOPEPerspective ⋅ Curiosity ⋅ Innovation PoièticsStory The New Story of Life Living Design Approach