16 | Module Sixteen | Arch 8561 | 2022

Planning and Design Module 

Google Earth aerial image of your project site and extended boundary, including off-site expanded food production.

Introduction to this Weeks Workshop | Purpose + Description

 This Weeks Workshop | Purpose + Description
Welcome to our Final Workshop Module 16. This module builds from across the semester using work developed across the semester, and particularly 10 through 14. The intention is to make any final adjustments to the work already created, add additional diagrams, AND to make it presentation and portfolio ready.

Workshop Activities: Exercise Only

No Reflections or Comments
Final Exercise Due | Tuesday, December 20,  at 8:00 A.M. | Presentations Start at 10:00 A.M. and run through 12:30 A.M. (2 1/2 Hours)

Meet Online at ZOOM Here: https://umn.zoom.us/j/93790880644?pwd=SzBZd042amZiUEtMbnlPQ05Uazd6Zz09

About the Final Exercise 

  • Each Team will have 45 minutes Total for Presentation and Review. Plan on about 20-25 minutes of presentation.
  • Refine and add to your work from Module 14 to develop it as a final presentation.
    • The quality of the presentation should be something you would want to put in your professional portfolio.
    • Upload, and bring your File to the Presentation on a laptop or Thumb Drive as a backup

Workshop Activities: Reflections + Exercises

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No Theory Review for this Module





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