ADAPT · Action Matrix

ADAPT™ | Synthesizing and defining practice technics, methods and measures from the emergent global philosophy of Gens Naturae

The Flexible Guide to a Living World in Transformation

Vision · Ecology · Poiètics · Community

ADAPT™ is a flexible design guide for projects, teams and practitioners inspired by ISO environmental declarations. The guide, or Action Matrix, can be customized to fit specific projects needs and aspirations. It includes achievable, but above average performance thresholds for all the Living Design basics: energy, water, health, inclusion, and poetics. Action Levels range from Essential to Pivotal to Transformative. The wide range in levels offers projects, teams, and individuals the opportunity to start with just the basics, or pursue the highest levels of net positive impacts possible.

Creative design approach and process methods are embedded directly into the ADAPT Action Matrix. The methods are skill matched to each ADAPT Level allowing individuals, teams and organizations to efficiently improve their Living Design skills with repeated use. ADAPT is a creative product of the C3 Living Design Project.

ADAPT is an alternative Pilot approach for RELi when pre-approved by the program manager The Institute for Market Transformation to Sustainability (MTS).

The ADAPT™ Action · Matrix is being Beta tested at the University of Minnesota College of Design’s Masters in Sustainability program. Updated information on the ADAPT Pilot will be published here after the Beta test has been completed.

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