The Living Ideas Library
Curating the ideas, knowledge, and data needed to create a world supporting the whole of life through vision, poiètics, ecology, and community.
Video Library
Featured Videos and Dropdown Stacks of C3LD Curated Video Playlists
Featured Video
Cabrera Labs at Cornell University shares their perspective on Mental Models and Systems Thinking in this award winning 10 minute video.
Systems/Living Systems Thinking is an arena of thought with notable breadth and depth. This is one, informed and well researched perspective on the subject. It is primarily a mechanistic view compared to a living view
Videos Stack
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Key Words: Integrative Visions, Narratives, and Realities for a Living Present and Future
Sub-categories: New Stories, Emergence Theory, Terramodern Expression
Collections: James Burke: Connections/ More
[yotuwp type=”playlist” id=”PLMdM5XJJ4glTbEW5GqvKmw1vCjtXIdyJt” ]
[accordions id=”21837″]
Key Words: Seeing and Organizing the World around New Living Realities, Stories, Narratives, and Visions
Sub-categories: Mental Model Theory, Systems Theory, Sustainability, Resilience, Regeneration, Health, Diversity
[yotuwp type=”playlist” id=”PLMdM5XJJ4glRFHV0ThoFo7VjML8GkRTQO” ]
[accordions id=”21847″]
Key Words: Approaches, Processes, Principles, and Rules for Innovation, Emergent Creativity, and Design Based on Life
Sub-categories: Systems Thinking, Reductive Thinking, Pattern Thinking, Integrative Thinking, Practice Templates, Practice Models
Collections: Mental Model Mastery, Thinking in Systems
[yotuwp type=”playlist” id=”PLMdM5XJJ4glSN_z3p-DRojm1x0LXynvsx” ]
[accordions id=’21861′]
Key Words: Reference Archetypes, Examples, Compositions, and Designs for a Thriving World
Sub-categories: Terra Modern, Transdisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, Sites, Water, Energy, Indoor Environmental Quality
[yotuwp type=”playlist” id=”PLMdM5XJJ4glTyZqB1jCbYTgkU21ZHHUvN” ]
[accordions id=’21869′]
Key Words: Actions Lists, Checklists, Characteristics, Traits, and Metrics in Support of Creativity focused on Life
Sub-categories: LEED, Living Building Challenge, Site, Water, Energy, Indoor Environmental Quality
[yotuwp type=”playlist” id=”PLMdM5XJJ4glRakQsdVBJkJTdPPHogXn_C” ]
Articles Library
Featured Articles and Dropdown Stacks of C3LD Curated Written and Graphic Materialé
Featured Article

Our C3LD curated Feature Article by @Clayton_dorge is posted in memory of the late architect and mathematician Christopher Alexander. His University of Berkley team published “A Pattern Language” and “The Timeless Way of Building” in the late 1970’s. The work is essential inspiration for Living Design.
Pattern Language is landmark Systems Thinking for the built environment and beyond. It is the go-to framework for computer architecture and object oriented computing. Graphic adapted from @apatterntolearn
The Article Link includes a list and short-summary for each of Alexander’s 253 ground breaking patterns.
Articles Stack
The C3 Living Design Article Stack is new as of late summer 2024. We’ll start by populating the stack with selected articles, graphics and other Living Design Materialé that is not a video. After we have about 15-20 articles posted we will categorize them and start an organized stack based on the C3LD categories.
Quick Links Library
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